Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Persuasive Essay On Racial Profiling - 1414 Words
Racial Profiling Due to a Lack of Communication Imagine walking down the street one day with your friends, minding your own business when a police car pulls up next to you. As the car comes to a stop, a police officer rushes out with a gun in hand pointed at you. You are thrown to the ground, pinned under the officer, questioning what you did wrong. As you look around for help you realize that you have become the next victim of racial profiling. Racial profiling is the use of race or ethnic background to suspect someone of committing an offence. This problem has been going on for centuries and not only needs to be recognized, but also needs to be solved. Racial profiling in the United States must be addressed through an examination†¦show more content†¦In 1996, the television show ABC hired three black males to drive around in an expensive car to see if racial profiling is an issue in the United States. The three men were not only pulled over for a small traffic error, but were searched by the police without committin g an offense. This proved that they were only stopped because of their race. The colour of someones skin shouldn’t define how you are treated. Racial profiling is like the lava in a volcano, it is dangerous and destroys. When you are targeted based on your ethnicity you start to bubble with anger, but one day you will not be able to take it anymore, and will explode. Thousands of individuals are furious with this discrimination and have joined the Black Lives Matter movement. This movement is about meeting the demands of individuals who want equal rights and to be treated the same. Jamil Jivani a speaker on the TED talk who has been a victim of racial profiling before, explained how he was searched by police because of his race. Jivani chose to communicate to the officers about how he felt, and the officers gained a better understanding and insight of what they were doing. Communication between those discriminated against and the discriminator is key, as without it more human rights will continue to be broken, and the act of discrimination will persist. Racial profiling is a destructive ineffective law enforcement technique used by policeShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Racial Profiling806 Words  | 4 PagesRacial profiling is a problem that continues to happen to this day. This situation is something which happens to everyone especially minorities. Minorities are more likely to be pulled over by police officers rather than white people just because of the color of their skin, which is really unfair because their time is being wasted getting pulled over when they could be doing something else. Racial profiling has been happening forever, which has caused many people to be stopped and strictly checkedRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racial Profiling903 Words  | 4 Pagespolice. Racial profiling refers to the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individuals race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. This is similar to criminal or offender profi ling, the analysis of a persons psychological and behavioural characteristics, so as to assess whether they are likely to have committed a crime under investigation. Both seem to be similar, but make no mistake that racial profiling is illegalRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racial Profiling1488 Words  | 6 PagesRacial profiling existed back in the 18th century when black slaves were abused and oppressed by white men even those who didn’t own slaves. Throughout history, racial profiling still continues to be a controversial issue today. It’s practiced everyday. Racial profiling means using an individual’s race or ethnicity against them of committing a crime. This means oppressing other races to feel inferior and accusing others to a certain stereotype. Racial profiling is when a black person in ripped jeansRead MorePersuasive Essay On Racial Profiling1486 Words  | 6 Pages Racial Profiling is an act of automatically defining or identifying someone based on their ethnicity. This act was most recognized during the late 1800’s in the U.S. under the Jim Crow law. It was passed in order to segregate whites and the colored in America. It fundamentally made whites superior to all. Though, in 1964 the Civil Rights Act passed stating that anybody of any ethnicity or religion are to be equal and united. However, today this law has never been truly accepted when seeing the statisticsRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Assata Shakur 1316 Words  | 6 Pageshypocritical and devious people for blaming black people small crimes while they’ve committed atrocities. 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For this essay, I will be exploring the question: Is there still a racial issue in America, predominantly, against blacks? Also, I will be exploring if stereotypes are related to racial profiling, if the media affects racism, and if racism is still present in the 21st century, in particul arly, since President Barack Obama got elected as the United StatesRead MoreThe New Threat : Racism Without Racists2278 Words  | 10 PagesIt has been many decades since the end of enslaving African-Americans in the United States of America and the laws – since then – have tried to impede discrimination of all kinds especially racial profiling. The debate of racism has never stopped even in January 20th, 2009 when the American nation elected its forty-fourth president of the United States who was the first African-American president in the entire American History. â€Å"Racism is over,†many people became very excited and delighted, â€Å"AmericaRead MorePolice Discretion Essay1489 Words  | 6 PagesIn this essay a discussion will be explored about the benefits and problems associated with police use of discretion. Which current policing strategies have the most potential for controlling officer discretion and providing accountability, and which have th e least, and why is that the case? And finally, how might these issues impact the various concerns facing law enforcement today? Police behavior is different across all communities. In fact, how police react to combat crime is affected by the
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Comparison Between Russia And Germany - 905 Words
The culture of a country has played a role in if, when, and why people were getting married throughout history, but is it still as influential in today’s world? A comparison of Russia and Germany shows that this may not always be the case. Russia is heavily promoting â€Å"traditional family values†, pushing back against cultural change of marriage (Petrova, 2015b). Germany, on the other hand, is embracing and supporting the cultural change. The two countries, while similar in their marital practices in the past, are vastly different in what they deem socially acceptable today. Most notably, Russia and Germany differ in their societal views and expectations of marriage, age of marriage, and a couples pre and post marital living arrangements. Although these are differences today, perceptions are subject to change and these practices may be altered in the future; just look at America. In Russia the societal views and expectations of marriage are still closely tied to religion, unlike Germany. Most Russian’s have a more traditional way of thinking when it comes to marriage and family. Many still firmly believe that marriage should come first, living together second, and having children last. Despite the high divorce rate, marriage still holds value to Russians and they feel this is the order and way God intended it to be (Petrova, 2015b). Whereas German’s have a more nontraditional and modern take on marriage. The majority of German’s feel there are few reasons to officially getShow MoreRelatedWorld War I. Student’S Name. University Affiliation. .1496 Words  | 6 Pageswere obliged to defend them. The alliances involved Japan and Britain, France and Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, Britain and France and Belgium, and Russia and Serbia. The war was sparked when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, drawing Russia into the war by its alliance to Serbia. With Russia marshaling, Germany declared war on it and as a result, France was drawn into the war to defend its ally, Russia. In its defense, German attacked France and as a result, Britain was pulled into theRead MoreThe Cold War1676 Words  | 7 Pagessuperpowers without the result of a hot war. The war was between the Capitalist West - namely: the United States of America, Britain and France – and Communist East – known to be Russia and all the satellite states which communism had taken over. An agreement made at the Yalta meeting of 1945 was that Germany would be divided into four sectors. One sector went to Britain, one to France, one to the USA and the last and biggest sector to Russia. The Russian sector surrounded the Capital city. In additionRead MoreFilm Analysis : The Fall Of Berlin976 Words  | 4 PagesMovies created in Soviet Russia were prominently used as a tool for propaganda, â€Å"The Fall of Berlin,†used contra st to idealize Soviet Russia by downplaying Germany and Hitler. â€Å"The Fall of Berlin†was released in 1950, right after World War II ended. The film is Soviet propaganda that was thought to insure faith within the Russian population, as Stalin wanted Soviet Russia to believe in him. The movie characterized Stalin with such gratitude and admiration, even I believed he was a good leader.Read MoreHersheys Entry Into Turkey1060 Words  | 5 Pagescountry poised between Asia and Europe. This country of 71 million people is crucial to economic developments as it lies between producers and consumers, supply and demand. While seen as a bridge between the East and West, this majority Muslim country is also torn between both worlds. Its secular government has a long history of struggles between those who feel their country’s identity lies in the Middle East, those who desire full accession to the European Union (EU), and all those in between. The TurkishRead MoreA Brief Look at the Origins of Stalin and Lenin754 Words  | 3 PagesOn September 1, 1939, World War II had begum between Germany and Poland. Adolf Hitler planned to strip Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals of their freedom. Hitler sent these people to labor camps also known as concentration camp. While Hitler was focused on his plans, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin became Russians revolutionary leaders. Lenin wanted to help his country back to being powerful after the death of Tsar Nicholas II. Lenin was the founder and leader of the Bolshevik party. Stalin was alsoRead MoreTrade Distribution amoung Nations939 Words  | 4 Pagesthe imports sees six European countries sharing almost 50% of the total value for both imports and exports. Those â€Å"top 6†were: Germany (15,26%), the Netherlands (13,67%), Poland (10,95%), Italy (9,31), the United Kingdom (5,83%) and France (5,60%). Interestingly, among the â€Å"top 6†is possible to find the â€Å"top 4†of the op posite trade leg. The combined share of Germany (30,95%), Italy (8,14%), France (7,44%) and the Netherlands (6,72%) accounted in 53,25% of the total value of exports. AlthoughRead MoreThe Events During The World War I1662 Words  | 7 Pagesit is thought that competition among the major European powers was an ingredient in fuelling the war. This was so especially between Britain and Germany, who were competing to have the most powerful navy in the world. All parties were building up large armies and navies, and from this there emerged a professional and powerful class of military officers. At one point, Germany had a well trained, large army that could match the entire army of Great Britain. This led to emergence of tension in EuropeRead MoreThe European Theatre of World War I804 Words  | 3 Pagesallied forces fought the Axis powers on two fronts which took place on the Eastern and Western front. In Europe 1939, Germany and Russia formed a pact to invade Poland and divide it between them. Shortly after on September 1, 1939 Germany invaded whilst Russia followed and that’s how World War II broke out. France, Britain and the countries of the Commonwealth declared war on Germany but provided little military support to Poland other than a small French attack into the Saarland. On September 17,Read MoreThe Causes Of World War I1171 Words  | 5 Pagesallowed Kaiser Wilhelm II to send the German East Asia Squadron to quell the uprising. This action forced the Great Powers, such as Great Britain and Russia, to also send troops to stop the rebellion. Due to the rising power of the German navy and military, it became evident that a European arms race had laid the foundation for conflict between Germany and England: â€Å"An official visit to the German shipyards at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven convinced the Admiralty that Kaiser’s naval preparations were aimedRead MoreThe Fairness of the Treaty of Versailles Essay704 Words  | 3 Pagesoutside Paris, by Germany and the Allies. The treaty was a compromise between the countries, trying to satisfy each demand - but was it overall fair to Germany? Germany was affected considerably by the terms of the Treaty, both in material and image. Firstly, she was forced to accept full responsibility for the war; establishing a foreground for a huge reparations bill. As it was decided that the entire war had been the fault of Germany and Germany alone, much to the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
HIV and ADIS Essay Example For Students
HIV and ADIS Essay The AIDS and HIV virus is a very dangerous disease that sees no race, no color, no gender, no economic background and not even a specific age group. It can affect anyone, at any time if they put themselves in a situation where they could be at risk. AIDS stands for what is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The virus causes the bodys immune system to break down and become useless in fighting illness and bacteria. Even a common cold could lead to the death of a person affected with the AIDS virus. Contrary to popular belief, a person does not just become affected with the AIDS virus right away. AIDS is actually caused by a pre virus called HIV, or human immunodeficiency syndrome. The antibodies, substance in your body that fights infection, in a person become infected once HIV is transferred into a human. Blood tests are often used to detect this virus. A person that is affected with the HIV virus may look perfectly healthy and show no signs what so ever of this illness. It is very easy for a person affected with this virus to spread it to others through certain types of contact. Because HIV weakens your immune system, it is very easy for a person to become ill. They suffer many health problems. Some of these problems can include extreme weight loss, severe pneumonia, forms of cancer, and damage to the nervous system. These illnesses signal the onset of AIDS (AIDS prevention guide). If a person is receiving medical care, it is likely that a person will be able to prolong his or her life even after being affected with the HIV virus. In some cases, affected people have stayed healthy and showed no signs of the virus for ten or more years. There are two main ways that the HIV virus is spread from person to person. The first way that will be discussed is by sexual intercourse, whether vaginally, anally or orally, with an affected partner. It is usually spread through unprotected sexual intercourse. Even if you are using a condom, it can still be spread if the condom just so happens to break. The HIV virus is present in a persons blood, semen and vaginal fluids. It can be entered into another persons body through small cuts or sores that a person may not even know is there if they come in contact with an affected persons blood, semen or vaginal fluids. It can alos be transferred through tissue that is found on the vagina, penis, rectum and even in the mouth. As was stated before, some people do not have any visible symptoms of the HIV virus, so it is hard to tell an affected person from a non affected person. The more sexual partners one has, the greater your risk becomes of being with a person who is affected with the virus. The second main way to become infected with this virus is through the sharing or needles or syringes. Usually, a drug abuser uses the needles to inject themselves with the drug and then passes the needle onto another person to inject him or herself with a drug. Sometimes the blood from an affected person will stay on the needle, and when another person uses it, they will become directly affected with the virus. Another way, somewhat less common, is through the use of needles used to do piercings and tattoos. The best way to prevent the transfer of the virus in this case is to make sure the person is very qualified and uses sterile equipment. Ask questions if you feel you need to. Yet another method of transfer is from a mother to her baby. An affected woman who is pregnant can pass the virus on to the child during her pregnancy or even during the birth of the child, or even through breast-feeding. Statistics show that an affected woman has a one in four chance that her child will be born with the virus as well. .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .postImageUrl , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:hover , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:visited , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:active { border:0!important; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:active , .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22 .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub36c25cf0cc0937c482c17fbde13bb22:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: arch Essay Affected woman should not become pregnant and risk putting her child in danger as well. A little less common way to transfer the HIV virus is through blood transfusions. In the past, .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Taking of America free essay sample
America was no exception. European states began devising legal rules to justify and rationalize the process of acquiring title to the lands (Robertson, 2011 The Doctrine of Discovery that was first issued by Pope Nicholas V of the Catholic Church to King Alfonse V of Portugal in the bull Romans Pontiffs. This allowed the capture, conquer, and domination of enemies, nonbelievers of Christ, and their territories. The same privilege was granted to Spain by Pope Alexander VI as a papal document that declared war against all non- Christians around the world.Newcomer, 1 992) These international laws of Western Christendom laid the groundwork for this religious doctrine that the united States government used to deny the rights of the Native American Indians. (Newcomer, 1992) This is the basic connection between the Christendom principles of discovery and the laws of the United States. This lead to the formulation of contemporary United States policies and laws that took away the Native American Indians rights to their lands, resources, and authentic way of life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Taking of America or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The indigenous peoples of North America lost to the covering European sovereignty and were considered dependents or tenants on their own lands. (Robertson, 2011) In 1 790, the United States Congress passed the first in a series of Trade and Intercourse Acts carrying forward the proscription of individual unlicensed purchases, indeed expanding the proscription to make purchases of Indian lands by states illegal and remains a part of the United States Code (Robertson, 201 1, p. 29). There are three cases and opinions involved in the development of the Marshall Trilogy-so call after their author, Chief Justice John Marshall- theSupreme Court laid much of the groundwork for the subsequent development of Indian law and policy in these areas (Robertson, 2011, p. 29). Johnson v Millionths (1 823), set forth the basic rules Of land acquisition and property rights; the second and third, Cherokee Nation v Georgia (1 831 ) and Worcester v Georgia (1 832), offered rules relating to the nature and scope of tribal sovereignty (Robertson, 2011 , p. 29). These court cases determined the federal governments status regarding Native Americans. This doctrine of discovery was first articulated in the Supreme Court test case,Johnson v Millionths (1823). (Robertson, 2011) This was the first case concerning Native Americans to be heard in the American court system and the issue of the extent and limits of tribal sovereignty came before the Supreme Court. The case was about a land dispute between two white men that both were represented by counsel paid for by Wabash Land Companies. (Robertson, 2011) The dispute challenged the validity of the land title bought by Thomas Johnson Jar. s ancestors in 1 773 (prior to Independence) from the Epiphanies Indians and the 1775 Wabash land deed purchased by WilliamMillionths from the United States federal government pertaining to the same plot of land. (Robertson, 2011) Johnson sued for an statement on the grounds that his title was bought first which considered it superior. (Robertson, 201 1) The Court rejected it under the doctrine of discovery that denies the right of Indians (due to settler colonialism) to sell their lands to anyone other than the British Crown. (Robertson, 2011) Post-Independence, the United States obtained all rights held by the Crown.
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